Sliding Fee Scale
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The sliding fee discount schedule will be used to determine patient’s eligibility for government programs such as Medicaid and uncompensated care. The sliding fee discount schedule is established and implemented to ensure that uniform and appropriate discounts are consistently applied to all eligible patients. Eligibility is based on income and family size only. For those patients at or below the minimum criteria of the federal poverty guidelines (FPG), there will be full discount to all fees with the exception of a nominal fee charged for services on each visit. Financial status will not be used as a barrier to medical treatment when a patient contacts the Center or any of its satellite facilities. Patients whose income and family size exceed the requirement for government benefits will be referred to apply for insurance coverage in the Marketplace or the Get Covered NJ insurance exchange. Those patients will not be eligible for any fee discounts.
Sliding Fee Scale Parameters
The parameters for the SFDS for uninsured self-pay patients and those eligible for uncompensated care are as follows →
- Family income and family size are at or below 100% of the FPG are offered a 100% discount with the exception of a nominal fee
- For uninsured self-pay patients whose family income and family size classify those as being above 100% of the FPG but below 200% of the FPG are given a partial discount on services at the health center.
- For patients eligible for uncompensated care whose family income and family size classify those as being above 100% of the FPG but below 250% of the FPG are given a partial discount on services at the health center.
- Uninsured self-pay patients with family income and family size above 200% of the FPG are not eligible for any discounts and will be charged the Full Fee for services provided.
- Patients who are deemed to be non-compliant with initial or ongoing registration requirements for government programs they are eligible for will be charged Full Fee for services provided.